Since the Eucharistic celebration is the ultimate act of worship of our Catholic faith, students participate in Mass once a week with the parish community. Parents are always encouraged to attend Mass with us.
Non-Catholic Students
Non-Catholic students are welcome at TCCES. Since the Catholic school is defined by its religious character, enrollment assumes involvement in the religious life of the school. Therefore, non-Catholic pupils are expected to participate in religion classes, attend liturgical services, and to take part in the school’s program of service. We believe all students benefit from an education built on the Gospel values and non-Catholic students offer a valued diversity to our family.
Parent Role
Parents are encouraged to teach religion by attending church regularly, by setting an example for their children, and by discussing relevant issues and religion classes with their students.
Our day at TCCES begins and ends with prayer and grace before and after meals are said at lunchtime. The students are encouraged to learn the traditional prayers of the Church (e.g. Our Father), while also learning to put their thoughts, hopes, and fears into prayer.
Prayer Services
Prayer Services are planned for a class, a group of classes, or for the whole school when appropriate. Parents are always welcome to join us in prayer.
Sacramental Preparations
Catholic students of TCCES are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the second grade. Students in other grades who need to be prepared for specific Sacraments will be instructed individually. They will receive the Sacraments when they are ready to do so.
Our students are encouraged to provide service to others in the school, the church, and the community whenever possible.
Religion Curriculum
Religion is the core of our curriculum. Religious instruction, Eucharistic Liturgy, sacramental preparation, and service are interwoven into the everyday life of the school and general curriculum. Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary School follows the Religion Course of Study adopted by the Diocese of Columbus. The course of study is based on the Six Tasks of Catechesis:
1. Knowledge of the faith
2. Knowledge of the liturgical life and the sacraments
3. Knowledge of moral formation
4. Knowledge of Prayer
5. Knowledge of Community Life
6. Knowledge of the Missionary Spirit
The curriculum is developed in cooperation with the Diocese of Columbus Office of Schools. Courses of Study are adopted and approved for the Ohio Department of Education and serve as the basis of instruction. The subject areas covered at TCCES include language arts, mathematics, science, social studies/history, health, physical education, music, art, and computers.
We believe all students can learn and it is our goal to help each student master the knowledge and skills for each standard within the subject areas. All students have God given talents…it is our job to discover, nurture, and develop those gifts.
Student Progress
Grading serves three primary purposes:
Grading is an evaluation of what a student knows and is able to do based on the Diocesan Course of Study. Grading should be accurate and fair. A grade represents a clear and accurate picture of what a student knows and is able to do. Marks on the report card reflect the student’s level of mastery in academic content areas at the time the report card is issued. Grading must include enough information so teachers and parents can provide the appropriate amount of support for the student. Grading should include evidence and information that the student can use for self-evaluation and improvement.
Student performance in areas such as class participation, attitude, homework, and behavior are reported on a separate Life Skills Achievement Report that accompanies the report card.